
Choose name: Raven Smith

Choose day of birth: 09/05/1998

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Hazelnut

Skin color: White

Hight: 1,70

Weight: 59 kg


   What if we where just video games? Looking outside my window I realize how little I am, how little each of us is. Every building surrounding mine has at least 4 floors, with three different apartments. That makes a lot of people in just a few square meters. Let’s multiply it by the size of my city, then of my country, my continent, by the size of the world. What the result is? That I am nothing, no one. At least for the moment.

   Every day, I get up, I get dressed, I eat, I got to school, I do my job of good student, I go back home, I study, I shower, I eat, I relax, and go to bed, the day after, just repeat the process. Walking by the tunnels of the metro you see cameras watching you, and back and forth you have people walking with no expression on there face, they have there bag, there suitcase, they are doing there job of what a good citizen is. A good citizen is playing the game of who is on top of us, of who controls us. Or at least is what people think. We seem robots commanded and controlled which have a specific job and a specific chosen place on this planet as soon as you open your eyes at birth. Not just robots in films have numbers, we are just a number as well.  As soon as you born your certificated number is given to you. Here again we are just a new born character of this video game called life.

   But a video game can crush. You can loose control of your video game, a do so make the player who controls us loose his control. I have to crush. I have to creat my one video game, controlled by myself. People get submitted to easily by terrible video game players, which do everything wrong, managing to do bad stuff and succeed yet to the next level.  So often because they have money they manage to buy the best game possible, witch has multiple functions and can control so many characters at the same time. Not everyone likes this video game, but no one says anything.

   So why creating a new video game who could do so many good things to the world is seen so badly and is so difficult? Characters should follow what their instinct thinks, what is best for them not just a simple minded man which wants power and fame. We need to have the possibility to control our game, our life, with no limitations of others.  

   Here at my window, on my bed, at the last floor I get for a moment of what those players feel while playing with us, I see so many things up here, I see all the bad going on, I see people scared of letting their voice being heard. I’m afraid as well, but I have to go beyond those fears, stopping feeling about what others think, I just have to listen to myself.  I have to stop thinking that someone will take decision, right decisions, at my place. We all need to stop giving the responsibility to people who don’t even care about our wellbeing.

   Video games have predefined endings. We don’t. We still can make a difference, we can grow, we can move, we can choose who to live with. We have to stop thinking that our person is already defined or that will be defined by someone else.

   I’m not just a painting on a wall with a background history, I can make my future, I can move, I can choose:

Gaia Cursi, Terminale L