Arabic Calligraphy, why so scary?

   We may be tempted to assume that what divides people in the world are things such as the way of writing or culture. But truly what divides is people who are narrow-minded, in fact what is really bothering is people. So because they have a predominant culture in the world, they want to impose  their way of living onto others and when you see other cultures they can’t help jumping to assumptions, but obviously it would not be fun if your assumptions were positive, obviously as I said not much of fun to think good of what is different from them, right? They are generally the same ones who love to claim that they are tolerant, that they support freedom when they are the ones who are the most racist and who walk on this earth exultating full of pride. They want to impose their points of view and do  it subtily. Like that they can keep their conscience clean, but verily they have the dirtiest of hearts you are equal to the people who said we came here to educate people talking about the poor afrikans who have no manners and are only naked savages such as animals if is it not worse. The same one that makes you  believe that a woman is opressed when she decides to not show her body, but put naked women to sell cars and then say that we have to stop with the sexualisation of women, mmmh wait.. while writing this I realise that what I am writing does not make any sense  at all, do you feel the same way? Hypocrites, thieves, liars, filthiest qualifications you name them and ooh.. surprise they have them all!

   In fact, what doesn’t please you, what is unknown to you or unusual, you qualified it as contrary to the freedom as being a form of barbarism. But I will not finger point who are the real barbarians. I just want  you to ask yourself can an arabic calligraphy be other than a form of endocrinment? Or it is just another form of terrorism since you don’t understand it? Why is it
that people don’t believe that when it comes to latin alphabet? Wasn’t Hitler using latin alphabet to do his propaganda and to spread his racist unreal theory? Stalin,
Anders Behring Breivik or  Adam Lanza were they muslims or
even arabs? Absolutely not! What you surely don’t know is that even in the Eastern world there are many  differences inside this part of the world, you might ask how is that even possible.You think all Eastern people are arabs? You are certainly thinking that all arabs are muslims. First of all they are more muslims out of the arabic countries than in it. Secondly not all Middle Eastern are arabs. Indeed They are some who are persians, turks, Amazighs, Berbers, others might be arabs but from other tribes, Add to that, there are different dialects, in this part of the world. You know what? they are not simply all muslims sorry to disappoint you. But, Psssht! It is a secret between me and you!  However, as bad as might be your opinion about this subject push your hatred, prejudices, pride asides and now let me educate you about it. The calligraphy and the literary arabic has been the link between people from other tribes and ethnies in the arabic and muslim world. Let me tell you another little secret, it has not only put muslims together it has also put non-muslims to become near  them, indeed one of the best calligraphs in the world is a Japanese! I am sure you don’t believe me, pictures speak more than words, so don’t be scared to look below.

   This is Honda Kôichi and his workart he is the Japanese who has revolutionized the Arabic calligraphy. As Picasso, he is not arab nor muslim but he loves this form of madian3art and he is fascinated by it, to the point that he has become a master of it. Picasso said about the arabic calligraphy that : «It has almost already reach the ultimate goal of the art». Do you still believe that it is a gap wmadina2hich separates people from each other in terms of understanding? Indeed even if you don’t understand what it says you can still be mesmerized by the grace and beauty of the arabic calligraphy. The style is absolutely amazing, if you were wondering what  my opinion is on it, but you may have already found out what my thoughts are on it since I have written this article. The arabic calligraphy possesses such an harmony in its propotion that we are transported as if we were listening to music it indeed looks like a melody. Even by not understanding we feel the beauty of it as an arrow which has pierced us straight in the heart. In addition, we notice that the proportions of many of the elements of these characters respect the golden ratio.



   It is under the khalifa of the Umeyyades (661-749) that  calligraphy became a true art, which relies on a code, of geometric rules and ornamentals subjected to the language rules. Since the representation in art of characters is prohibited, the calligraphy has  become the highest form of art in the whole arabic and muslim world, it is used for poetry, to represent animals or people, nowadays even in  street art, or as a sign of protest as in the arabic springs or as decoration of the skin with the traditional method henna or more recently  tattoos.


إذا رَأيْتَ نُيُوبَ اللّيْثِ بارِزَةً فَلا تَظُنّنّ أنّ اللّيْثَ يَبْتَسِمُ

وَمُهْجَةٍ مُهْجَتي من هَمّ صَاحِبها أدرَكْتُهَا بجَوَادٍ ظَهْرُه حَرَمُ

رِجلاهُ في الرّكضِ رِجلٌ وَاليدانِ يَدٌ وَفِعْلُهُ مَا تُريدُ الكَفُّ وَالقَدَمُ

وَمُرْهَفٍ سرْتُ بينَ الجَحْفَلَينِ بهِ حتى ضرَبْتُ وَمَوْجُ المَوْتِ يَلْتَطِمُ

الخَيْلُ وَاللّيْلُ وَالبَيْداءُ تَعرِفُني وَالسّيفُ وَالرّمحُ والقرْطاسُ وَالقَلَمُ


 Translation of the poem:

 When the lion bares his teeth, do not / fancy that the lion shows to you a smile. / I have slain the man that sought my heart’s blood many a time. / Riding a noble mare whose back none else may climb, / Whose hind and fore-legs seem in galloping as one / Nor hand nor foot requireth she to urge her on. / And O the days when I have swung my fine-edged glaive / Amidst a sea of death where wave was dashed on / And O the days when I have swung my fine-edged glaive / Amidst a sea of death where wave was dashed on wave! / The desert knows me well, the night, the mounted men, / The battle and the sword, the paper and the pen.



 madina 8







   I must confess something to you; It is the first time I write an article about this subject and give it to my English teacher that is to say one of my English teachers since I have three but anyway,  what I was  saying oh yes that I gave him to read it I was proud of what I have done since I love the arabic calligrpahy but he toldme it was too complex and that people won’t read me I may say that there was worse comments to say but what has really struck me was that some people are thinking that it is only a way of endoctrinating people and that he was part of that people. How is that even possible such a poetic way of writing such a wonderful way so elegant and refined, for me honestly it was impossible to be thinking like this, it hasn’t even crossed my wind, I hear what is being said about muslims about arabs even more these time but really the calligrpahy? it sounds for me like someone who ate a bretzel and someone said he must be a nazi, like whaaaaaaaat? Seriously? So I must stand for what  the truth is!

   And you know what I hate the most after people like you? (I have already said what type of person you are do not make me repeat!). The one who are not grateful, let me refresh your memory, what a time, when the entire Europe was speaking arabic!


Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba

   From the  XIIIe century onwards, philosophers and Christian intellectuals, aware of everything they owed to the Arab culture, aspired to reject the legacy after enjoying it, and found a European culture. This sounds so familiar, please tell me about you? Can you feel this mild air of ungratefulness which is coming our way by reading this? Wait it is not finished yet, This was just the beginning of the Renaissance. Which has been a profound change that wanted to attempt and minimize the contribution of scholars like Al-Razi, Averroes or Al-Khwarizmi. You know what makes me  laugh even more, without muslims you would never have had this Smartphone, computer that you are using to read me, so cheers up! And everytime you see a muslim or an arab try to remember that.

Madina Ali Abukar, Terminale L